Saturday, March 10, 2007

Is George W Bush a closet hippie?

I love the mental twisting and gut wrenching going on inside the green community. Can they put aside their absolute hatred of President Bush to praise his personal example of conservation? A brave few are putting their money where mouth is and giving George a reluctant thumbs up. You may think the guy is Hitler with a Texas accent, but his eco-friendly home is light years ahead of the examples set by politicians who are the supposed champions of the environment. Others cannot seem to get past their hatred.

If George W Bush personally stopped global warming by throwing Laura, his two daughters and Barney the Scottish Terrier into a burning volcano as a living sacrifice, that wouldn't be enough for the hate filled left. They would demand he toss in Cheney and Rumsfeld for good measure, and then would move to impeach him for exceeding his production of carbon units without purchasing enough of Al Gore's carbon offsets.

Look, I don't like certain people on the left because as Samuel L Jackson says, "I don't like you cause' you're going to get me killed". But when they do something worthwhile, I will give them their do. I thought Bill Clinton was a masterful politician, but he was also a very flawed human being and a terrible President. Bill was all about trying to make people like him by saying 'look at me, aint I great'.

If this home belonged to President Clinton, he would be holding all his interviews there, showing Catie Couric the rainwater capturing system and how he uses the grey water from the home to irrigate the small amount of landscaping he has. Bill would be milking this house like a dairy cow. But if George Bush tried that, Catie would ask repeatedly why he owns a home that is green while he is personally trying to destroy the earth?

If the eco politicians and Hollywood lefties want to sell their mansions and move to Crawford Texas were it's 114 degrees in the summer and you can't get good udon noodles, then I will sing their praises. Until then, please keep quiet about the environment. Those who live in 34,000 square foot glass houses should rid themselves of rocks.

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